by Admin
Posted on 03-09-2024 12:05 PM
Science based
written by amy myers, md
the holidays are over, and you may be wondering how to detoxify your body from overindulging. You want to start the year off right, so you head to your local health food store.
As you browse the aisles, you find yourself bombarded with products, each promising to cleanse your body of the junk from weeks prior. From detox programs to full-body cleanses, your detoxification choices seem limitless. You find recipes for diy ginger and cayenne tinctures, along with a myriad of juices, supplements, and herbal teas. The message that you need to detoxify your body to be healthy surrounds you on every front.
Adequate nutrition allows the body’s detoxification system to work effectively. People should avoid refined carbohydrates , added sugars, and processed foods and try to include more: foods high in antioxidants , such as berries and nuts that accumulate throughout the day. This makes adequate sleep an essential part of detoxification. Learn about how much sleep a person needs here.
Detoxification is a process through which substances are eliminated from the body. A central player in this complex system is the liver. Liver detoxification, or biotransformation, involves phase i and phase ii processes. Reactions in phase i include oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis. The products generated in phase i are intermediate metabolites that may be more reactive than the original substance. These intermediates are then further processed in phase ii, undergoing conjugation reactions. This involves combining the intermediate metabolites with other molecules to make them more water-soluble and less toxic. Conjugation pathways in phase ii include processes such as glucuronidation, sulfation, methylation, acetylation, and glutathione conjugation.
When we see an aging-in-reverse celeb flaunt her luminous skin and “how can i look like that?!” body, even the wisest of us may be tempted to try some dubious detox powder popping up all over social media. But no need to turn to supposedly magical answers like juice cleanses, chugging lemon water , or a colon-blasting chia seed concoction—those much-hyped “cures” are useless at best and at worst possibly dangerous, experts say. “our bodies don’t need detoxes and cleanses , because we have our own natural detox pathways through systems like the liver, kidneys, and gi tract,” says jessica levinson, m.
Detoxification refers to a set of biochemical processes that metabolize and eliminate a wide range of potentially harmful substances, including metabolic waste products, heavy metals, hormones, environmental toxins, and alcohol.
While body detoxification involves several organs, including the kidneys, lungs, skin, and the digestive system, the liver is the main site of detox reactions. A healthy liver is highly effective in filtering, processing, and eliminating toxins and waste products. However, poor liver health can result in sluggish detoxification and a build-up of potentially harmful substances in the body, which can negatively impact cellular health, hormonal balance, metabolic functions, and immune defenses.
Whole foods form the cornerstone of a holistic approach to detoxification, providing the body with essential elements to support its natural cleansing processes. These unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods contribute to overall well-being through various mechanisms. Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, offer a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients act as building blocks for the intricate detoxification pathways within the body, particularly supporting the liver and other vital organs involved in the process. Fiber, prevalent in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, plays a crucial role in digestive health. Acting as a natural sweep, fiber helps remove waste and toxins from the digestive tract, promoting regular bowel movements and supporting gut health.
This preparatory phase involves snehana and swedana. Snehana is the process of internal and external oleation (administering of fat). The patient ingests a medicated ghee (clarified butter), which is carefully chosen according to their condition over the course of multiple days. The ghee helps to transport aama to the gi tract, remove obstructions in the channels of the body, and lubricate the body tissues. At the same time, the patient is oleated externally through special bodywork treatments such as abhyanga , or oil massage. This loosens aama from the body tissues and channels so that it’s ready to be expelled.
Detoxification is the natural process by which our body eliminates toxins and waste products. It involves various organs and systems, such as the liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, and sweat glands, working together to neutralize and remove harmful substances. Detox cleanses work best when they support and optimize the function of these detox organs and systems, aiding in efficient toxin elimination.
In order to rid your body of toxins that can build up in your tissues, fat, joints, and brain, your body must excrete them through the complex filtration system of your kidneys and liver. A liver detox is designed to support and promote this process. But, how do you safely detox your liver? there are a growing number of trendy headlines and quick-fix plans for liver detox cleanses and diets, but what’s even more overwhelming is the confusion around how to do one of these safely. Furthermore, it’s not a detox diet or cleanse that you need – it’s a dietary reset that enhances and supports your body’s own natural detoxification processes.
The kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin are all involved in the complex detoxification system, lipman says, but the bulk of the work is done by the intestinal tract and especially the liver. Detoxifying the body is a two-phase process — here's an (oversimplified) explanation: phase 1: think of this as the activation phase, during which specialized enzymes in the body alter toxins to prepare them for phase 2. They are converted into free radicals or other substances that must be eliminated quickly, as they can be even more harmful if they stay in this phase for too long. Phase 2: during this phase, the body neutralizes the activated substances from phase 1 and eliminates them from the system.
Diet fads and other health hacks may help detox your body quickly but can also be extremely dangerous. Here are seven safe ways to detox your body safely.
The modern world is full of environmental toxins. It is estimated that there are over 80,000 toxic chemicals used regularly in the us. There are over 500 chemicals stored in our body and the average individual has at least seven pesticides tested in their urine ( 1 , 2 ). It is imperative to have a number of daily detoxification strategies incorporated into our normal lifestyle to get these unwanted toxins out of our system. Some environmental toxins are easier to eliminate than others. The most challenging toxins to get rid of are the hydrophobic or fat-soluble toxins and heavy metals.