by Admin
Posted on 27-12-2023 05:56 PM
Vitamin b6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that your body needs for several functions.
It has health benefits for the body, including promoting brain health and improving mood. It’s significant to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters (
). Your body cannot produce vitamin b6, so you must obtain it from foods or supplements. Most people get enough vitamin b6 through their diet, but certain populations may be at risk for deficiency. Consuming adequate amounts of vitamin b6 is important for optimal health and may even prevent and treat chronic diseases (.
Vitamin b6, also known as pyridoxine, is one of eight b vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy. This nutrient is an essential part of nearly 200 chemical reactions in your body, and it’s necessary for processes like brain development and transporting oxygen through your bloodstream. Vitamin b6 also helps you maintain a healthy nervous and immune system.
About half of all individuals experience nausea and vomiting in the first few months of pregnancy, and about 50%–80% experience nausea only [ 25 , 26 ].
Although this condition is generally known as morning sickness, it often lasts throughout the day. The condition is not life threatening and typically goes away after 12–20 weeks, but its symptoms can disrupt a person's social and physical functioning. Prospective studies on vitamin b6 supplements to treat morning sickness have had mixed results. In two randomized, placebo-controlled trials, 30–75 mg of oral pyridoxine per day significantly decreased nausea in pregnant people who were experiencing nausea [ 27 , 28 ].
Reports that taking pyridoxine may help with mild symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, compared with a placebo. It also reports that taking a combination of pyridoxine and doxylamine could help with moderate symptoms. Based on the research, the american congress of obstetricians and gynecologists (acog) recommend vitamin b6 supplements as a safe, over-the-counter treatment for nausea during pregnancy.
people with low levels of vitamin b6 in the blood might have a higher risk of certain kinds of cancer , such as colorectal cancer. However, studies to date have not shown that vitamin b6 supplements can help prevent cancer or lower the chances of dying from this disease.
The nih recommends between 1. 3 and 2 mg of dietary vitamin b6 per day for adults and less for children. Lots of foods are good sources of vitamin b6. For instance, 1 cup of chickpeas contains 1. 1 mg of vitamin b6, 3 ounces of tuna has 0. 9 mg, and a banana has 0. 4 mg. Some people may need to take vitamin b6 supplements. While there isn't a specific recommended dose, the following doses have been used in clinical trials: 40 mg twice a day for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy 3 to 100 mg for cancer prevention because of the risk of side effects, ideally, you should aim to supplement with vitamin b6 for only up to six months unless your healthcare provider suggests otherwise.