Causes of female infertility

by Admin

Posted on 28-03-2023 01:06 AM

Men can also contribute to infertility in a couple. life In fact, men are found to be the only cause or a contributing cause of infertility problems in couples in about 40% of cases. 1to conceive a child, a male's sperm must combine with a female's egg. The testicles make and store sperm, which are ejaculated by the penis to deliver sperm to the female reproductive tract during sexual intercourse. The most common issues that lead to infertility in men are problems that affect how the testicles work. Other problems are hormone imbalances or blockages or absence of some of the ducts in the male reproductive organs.

A couple is considered infertile if they have been unable to get pregnant after one year of frequent unprotected sexual intercourse. male infertility is used to classify infertility when the female partner is known to be fertile.

Written by pfcla 18 aug 2022 the concept of getting pregnant appears to be a simple task, though there are many phenomena that often go unnoticed internally within both male and female bodies during this process. When there are complications in conceiving, these factors often end up under the microscope. For men, it can be a difficult topic to breach at times, though rest assured, male factor infertility is common and makes up 50% of infertility diagnoses. This article will review what constitutes male factor infertility, its causes, and some possible options to navigate the diagnosis.

What is male infertility?

By cashmere lashkari, b. Sc. Reviewed by afsaneh khetrapal, bsc infertility is a reproductive system disorder which results in the inability of a couple to procreate. The reasons for not being able to conceive can be varied and could be related to either partner. When the reproductive system of the male has a problem which makes it difficult for the couple to have a child, it is termed male infertility. Male infertility is on the rise in society. Approximately 15% of married couples have trouble conceiving despite having regular unprotected sex for more than a year. care Out of the couples who are in their thirties, only 30% are able to conceive within the first three months; the rest have trouble due to male infertility issues.

In general, male infertility is caused by difficulty with one or more of the following: sperm formation: problems with sperm production can lead to sperm that are abnormally shaped or have difficulty moving, both of which can reduce the ability of the sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg. Sperm concentration: a low sperm count, or the absence of sperm (azoospermia) in the ejaculate, reduces the a woman's chance of getting pregnant. This can be caused by either a problem with sperm production or a blockage. Transportation: a blockage in the tubes that carry sperm (either the epididymis or the ejaculatory duct) can prevent sperm from reaching the ejaculate.

Infertility is a term doctors use if a man hasn't been able to get a woman pregnant after at least one year of trying. Causes of male infertility include: physical problems with the testicles blockages in the ducts that carry sperm hormone problems a history of high fevers or mumps genetic disorders lifestyle or environmental factors about a third of the time, infertility is because of a problem with the man. One third of the time, it is a problem with the woman. Sometimes no cause can be found. If you suspect you are infertile, see your doctor. There are tests that may tell if you have fertility problems.

How common is male infertility?

The levels of male sex hormones are regulated by a series of glands and their hormones. The pituitary gland in the brain influences hormone production in the testicles under the guidance of the hypothalamus. A relatively uncommon cause of male infertility is the failure to make enough of the hormone gonadotrophin.

Infertility is usually defined by a period of 12 months or more of regular, unprotected sex not resulting in conception. At this point, a fertility specialist will likely complete a thorough physical evaluation to help identify any underlying issues that may affect a male’s ability to make and produce healthy sperm. This evaluation will include the analysis of a sperm sample. According to dr. Schlegel, an abnormal semen analysis is the most common identifier of male infertility. The sperm analysis will establish the sperm concentration (how many sperm are present), the motility (how many are swimming), and the morphology (the shape of the sperm).

While a low sperm count is the most common reason for male infertility, structural causes, or issues with sperm delivery, can interfere with the reproductive process as well. During your couples consultation, dr. James douglas will ask about the existence of varicocele, undescended testicles or erectile dysfunction.

some infertile men will have medically or surgically correctable causes, making natural conception possible with appropriate intervention. Treatment is dependent on the underlying etiology and thus requires an accurate diagnosis for proper treatment. If a treatable or correctable infertility factor is identified, it should be corrected using appropriate medical or surgical therapies. Men with uncorrectable, untreatable, or unknown etiologies may benefit from art. Art procedures have been used in the u. S. Since 1981 and have dramatically improved fertility rates. Ivf-icsi is a type of art used to overcome severe oligospermia or azoospermia by injecting a single sperm into the cytoplasm of a mature egg. Ivf-icsi is a treatment option for males with azoospermia, yielding live birth rates comparable.

Everyone is born with a set of sex chromosomes; females typically have two x-chromosomes and males have one x-chromosome and one y-chromosome. The y-chromosome contains between 50 and 60 genes, and since it's the male-determining chromosome , many of those genes are specific to the male sex. For instance, there's the sry gene , which causes testes to form in the embryo and results in the development of male genitalia. There are other genes, such as daz, rbmy, and bdy, that relate to male fertility factors. As the name "y-chromosome microdeletion" suggests, this chromosomal abnormality involves small deletions of genes on the y-chromosome.

When it comes to infertility in both males and females, sometimes the cause is a mystery, a diagnosis officially known as unexplained infertility. But there are certain causes that can be identified— age, for example, can be a big factor in fertility not just in women , but men as well. “older men are often more infertile than younger men, because sperm count can change with age,” says zev rosenwaks, m. D. , director and physician-in-chief of the ronald o. Perelman and claudia cohen center for reproductive medicine at weill cornell in new york. “the genetic makeup of the sperm can change as well, and something called dna fragmentation can cause genetic abnormalities.