How is male infertility treated?

by Admin

Posted on 28-03-2023 01:06 AM

Infertility may be caused by a number of different factors, in either the male or female reproductive systems. However, it is sometimes not possible to explain the causes of infertility. life In the female reproductive system, infertility may be caused by: tubal disorders such as blocked fallopian tubes, which are in turn caused by untreated sexually transmitted infections (stis) or complications of unsafe abortion, postpartum sepsis or abdominal/pelvic surgery; uterine disorders which could be inflammatory in nature (such as such endometriosis), congenital in nature (such as septate uterus), or benign in nature (such as fibroids); disorders of the ovaries, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and other follicular disorders;.

Infertility—the inability to conceive a child after one year or more of  unprotected sexual intercourse– affects about 15 percent of couples. Male infertility plays a role in about half these cases. The problem may be a result of low or poor quality sperm production, blockages in the urinary tract that prevent the passage of sperm, and a range of chronic conditions, illnesses, infections, injuries, and environmental and lifestyle factors. One of the most common conditions causing infertility is blockage of the vas deferens from a prior vasectomy. A vasectomy reversal performed by skilled microsurgeons is a highly effective means of restoring fertility.

Approximately 15% of couples of reproductive age fail to achieve a wanted pregnancy within a 12-month period, despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse. In 50% of involuntarily childless couples, abnormal semen parameters point to a male-infertility-associated factor ( jungwirth et al. , 2012 ). There is an apparent rising need to dissect the heterogeneous causes behind male infertility and to provide more personalized treatment of the condition. Currently, there are only a few large-scale epidemiological studies addressing this topic ( who, 1997 ; pierik et al. , 2000 ; tüttelmann et al. , 2011 ). The published studies suffer from significant methodological shortcomings, such as insufficient efforts towards standardization of clinical and laboratory examinations, different referral levels of participating centers or missing relevant control groups.

Can male infertility be prevented? How can I reduce my risk of infertility?

Risk factors for male infertility include: varicocele, an enlarged varicose vein in the spermatic cord that connects to the testicle, although whether a varicocele plays a role in male infertility is unclear. care Aging, which can reduce sperm counts and motility and decrease the genetic quality of sperm sexually transmitted infections, which can cause scarring in the male reproductive system or impair sperm function lifestyle factors such as smoking and substance abuse long-term or intensive exposure to certain types of chemicals, toxins, or medications.

Approximately 10% of all infertile men may have asa (vs. 2% of fertile men) [ 23 ]. Unexplained male factor infertility may be related to asas. Moghissi et al. [ 24 ] confirmed that the incidence of sperm antibodies was significantly higher (42. 5%) among patients with unexplained and persistent infertility. The pathogenesis of the formation of asas is still a matter of debate. Antisperm immune responses occur probably as a result of the disruption of the epithelial or blood–testis barrier [ 25,26 ], an immunosuppression defect [ 27 ], or as a result of an insult to the genital tract that would provide an excess of spermatozoal antigens that could override the mechanism of immunosuppression [ 28 ].

En español when a couple experiences problems with fertility, the cause(s) can be multiple and overlapping. Problems in the male are just as likely as problems in the female, and it is equally likely that the cause is a combination from both partners. In many cases, the exact cause of the infertility remains unknown or unexplained—a situation called idiopathic infertility. Because so many things factor into infertility, this website can provide only a summary of the most common problems related to infertility for both males and females. In some cases, these causes or factors overlap and occur at the same time, compounding their effects on fertility.

Medical professionals agree that secondary infertility can be devastating, with a high emotional toll on individuals and couples. However, those suffering from secondary fertility do not always receive a high level of empathy particularly males. As one doctor puts it, “men, especially, can experience a lack of empathy from family members and friends, who may tell them they should be thankful to already have one child. The key to emotionally coping with secondary infertility is to open communication channels with those that are close to you, while reaching out to online support groups for inspiration. Also, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance from qualified counsellors.

Klinefelter syndrome is the most common chromosomal genetic abnormality that results in a defect in testicular sperm and testosterone production (primary testicular failure). This condition occurs as a result of a male having an extra copy of the x chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome can affect testicular growth that often results in impaired development of the testes, resulting in small, hard testicles. This syndrome may result in a myriad of signs and symptoms, which may be present during adolescence or young adulthood or may go unnoticed until men are trying to conceive. Although many men are not detected with this condition until an infertility evaluation, some men have signs and symptoms such as absent or delayed puberty, tall stature, reduced muscle mass, reduced facial or body hair, enlarged breast tissue, low bone mineral density, low energy, decreased libido, or behavioral and psychosocial problems.